I just had a quick view to this, once popular web site.
I have found that this is deserted place full of outdated,
and almost harmful information...
so AJAX beginners (if there are any, anymore) BEWARE.
Just a few broken links....and dead topics....
REFERER: http://ajaxpatterns.org/Main_Page
404: http://www.ajaxpatterns.org/Special:Newpages?feed=rss
REFERER: http://ajaxpatterns.org/Javascript_Frameworks
HISTORY: last update: november 2009
404: http://www.coolpenguin.net/plainajax
404: http://www.amplesdk.com/examples/xul/
404: http://www.amplesdk.com/examples/extensions/
HISTORY: May 2011
PARKED DOMAIN ?: http://ww5.ajaxwebshop.com/
ENDED DEVELOPMENT: http://www.interaktonline.com/Products/Eclipse/JSEclipse/Overview/
I have tried to fix some articles but usually you end up with... 504 Gateway Time-out